Surgical Instrument Brands
Trusted Brand Partnerships
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Sklar Premium Instruments - Non-Sterile, Reusable Instruments

Sklar OR Quality Instruments - Non-Sterile, Reusable Instruments

Surgi-OR Mid-Grade Quality Instruments - Non-Sterile, Reusable Instruments

Merit Office Instruments - Non-Sterile, Reusable Instruments

Econo Floor Grade Instruments - Non-Sterile, Disposable Instruments

Econo Sterile Instruments - Sterile, Disposable Instruments

Sklar Edge™ Tungsten Carbide Scissors - Two Gold Coated Finger Rings

Sklarhone™ Super-Cut - Dual Black Handles

Sklar Edge™ Tungsten Carbide Sklarhone™ Supercut

Sklarcut™ Scissors - One Gold Finger Ring on Serrated Blade Handle

Sklarlite™ and Sklarlite™ XD - High Grade German Stainless Steel

Sklar Blue™ Electrosurgical Instruments - Blue Coating

Sklar Black™ Laser Instruments - Black Coating
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